
廉租住房实物配售与配租的效果研究——基于陕西省XX市的调查 被引量:1

Analysis on the Effects of Oriented-rent Housing and Oriented-sell Housing about Low-rent Housing——Based on the Survey in XX City in Shanxi Province
摘要 实物配售和实物配租是廉租住房补贴实施的主要方式,实证分析两种补贴的政策效果对廉租住房的开展具有重要意义。本文运用效用分析方法,结合陕西省XX市廉租住房住户随机抽样调查获得的数据,对比分析实物配售和实物配租两种补贴方式的实施效果。研究结果表明,两种补贴方式均提高了受补贴家庭的消费效用水平,但效用增加量的大小与住房消费获得的效用占总消费获得效用的比重r相关:当r小于0.5974时,实物配租的效用增量大于实物配售;当r大于0.5974时,实物配售的效用增量大于实物配租。研究表明廉租住房建设过程中,应当适当考虑其建设地点或完善小区周围的学校等公共设施。现阶段两种补贴方式在廉租住房保障中都能够发挥一定的作用。因而政府通过建设廉租住房解决家庭住房困难问题,可以采取实物配租和实物配售相结合的方式。两种方式的具体选择可以依据住房消费效用占家庭消费总效用的比例来确定。 This paper analyzes the effects of oriented-sell housing and oriented-rent housing on low-rent housing policy. Then some suggestions are given after the empirical analysis. Based on the consumer utility theory, the paper builds a consumption utility function for low-rent housing households. And combined with the data from a random sample survey in XX city in Shaanxi Province, the paper analyzes the comparative effects of oriented-sell housing and oriented-rent housing. The result shows that both types of subsidies increase the level of households' consumption utility, but the increment depends on the proportion of the utility of housing consumption in the utility of total consumption. When the proportion is less than 0.5974, the effect of oriented-rent housing is higher than that of oriented-sell housing, and when the proportion is bigger than 0.5974, the effect of oriented-rent housing is lower than oriented-sell housing. Although all the surveyed households think oriented-sell housing is better than oriented-rent housing, they are still dissatisfied with the inconvenience of public facilities' usage especially the education problem of their children. When low-rent housings are constructed, the alternative location and the residential district infrastructure should be considered appropriately. Depending on the findings, two polities both can play effective roles in the housing security system at present. Therefore, if the government solves the housing problems by constructing low-rent housing, both oriented-sell housing and oriented-rent housing can be taken. And the choice making is based upon the ratio of housing consumption utility to family consumption utility.
作者 余劲 袁南南
出处 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期64-69,125,共6页 Journal of Public Management
关键词 廉租住房 实物配售 实物配租 Low-rent Housing, Oriented-sell Housing, Oriented-rent Housing
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