
大叶槐饲料营养价值评定 被引量:2

Nutritional Value Assessment of Big-leaf Cassia as Feed
摘要 以内蒙古鄂托克前旗的大叶槐为试验材料,同时选择羊草和苜蓿为对比,通过常规营养成分分析、活体外发酵产气、两级离体消化、尼龙袋等试验,对其营养价值进行综合评定。结果表明,从常规分析来看,0.8~1.2m高的大叶槐蛋白质含量最高,其次为苜蓿;从体外发酵参数来看,无明显差异;从体外消化率来看,0.8~1.2m高的大叶槐蛋白质消化率低于苜蓿,但高于羊草和其他2种槐树;从半体内降解率来看,0.8~1.2m高的大叶槐蛋白质降解率仅低于苜蓿,而高于其他3种饲料。综合各试验,可发现0.8~1.2m高的大叶槐更适合用作蛋白质饲料,而不应用作纤维性饲料。 Using big-leaf cassia in Etuoke Front Banner of Inner Mongolia as test materials and choosing Leymus chinensis and alfalfa as control, the nutritional value of big-leaf cassia was comprehensively assessed by conventional nutritional component analysis, in vitro gas production and fermentation test,two-stage in vitro digestibility test and nylon bag test, etc.. From the conventional nutritional component analysis, the protein content in big-leaf cassia with the height of 0.8-1.2 m was the highest, followed by alfalfa. From the fermentation parameters in vitro,there was no significant difference. From the digestibility in vitro,the protein digestibility of big-leaf cassia with the height of 0.8-1.2 m was lower than that of alfalfa and higher than that of L. chinensis and other two kinds of cassia. From the digestibility in semi-vivo , the protein digestibility of big-leaf cassia with the height of 0.8-1.2 m was lower than that of alfalfa and higher than that of other three kinds of feed. In conclusion, it was found that big-leaf cassia with the height of 0.8-1.2 m was not suitable as fiber feed but fibrous feed.
出处 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2012年第1期36-40,共5页 Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
基金 国家绒毛用羊产业技术体系建设(nycytx-40) 内蒙古农牧业科技创新基金项目(2008CXJJM01)
关键词 营养价值 体外批次 大叶槐 nutritional value in vitro batch big-leaf cassia
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