市场经济给哈尔滨历史建筑保护工作带来了冲击 ,同时也带来了机遇。本文分析了哈尔滨历史建筑保护的现状和存在的问题 ,指出经济发展与历史建筑保护并不是不可调和的矛盾 ,而应起到互相促进的作用。历史建筑保护只有积极顺应市场经济 ,从纯学术的圈子里走出来 ,才有真正的出路。最后 ,试图提出一个基于市场经济的历史建筑保护策略的设想 。
The historical building preservation in Harbin has highly been impacted by the introduction of market economy, both positively and negativelyThis article firstly analyzed the present situation and exiting problems in this field, and then pointed out that there is not a contradiction between the economic development and the historical preservationThey should be promoted and complemented with each otherFinally, this article tried to propose a strategy of historical preservation based on the market economic system, in order to arouse the further discussions about this issue
Journal of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture