中小企业是国民经济和社会发展的重要力量,促进中小企业发展是关系民生和社会稳定的重大战略任务,而缓解中小企业融资困难问题则有待完善中小企业信用担保体系的建立。信用担保公司实质上就是一种风险管理机构,风险管控是经营成败的关键所在。本文以台湾省中小企业信用保证基金实际承保案例的样本资料,直接从操作面的角度切入来探究哪些质性变数会影响送保中小企业承保后的违约机率(Default Rate),希望有助于信保基金对其所担保企业违约风险的管控。
SMEs(small and medium enterprises) have had a significant impact in improving economic development and social stability.However,SMEs usually encounter more financing difficulty when running their business.Due to this nature,to encourage SMEs to grow plays a significant role in stabilizing the livelihood of people and the society.Therefore,to ease the finance tension from financial institutions of these small and medium sized companies is the key to support the development of these companies.And a well-constructed SMEG system is the answer to this key.The SMEG alleviates the disadvantage of asymmetric information problem between SMEs and financial institutes;however,how to manage their guarantee risk to maintain the perpetual operation of SMEG is the key point.The purpose of this article is to use the real samples of SMEG of Taiwan province to find out what are the qualitative variables that affect the probability of its default.The empirical results can help to make SMEG improve and upgrade their risk management ability.
Journal of Hubei University of Education
default probability
qualitative variables
credit insurance funds