目的探讨白蛋白结合型紫杉醇与紫杉醇溶液对人口腔上皮癌KB细胞的体外杀伤作用。方法以不同浓度含白蛋白结合型紫杉醇和紫杉醇注射液的培养基分别作用于KB细胞,并设对照(普通培养基),通过显微镜观察细胞增殖状况及形态,MTT法检测药物在体外对细胞株的作用,流式细胞分析技术检测药物对细胞生长的影响。结果经不同浓度白蛋白结合型紫杉醇和紫杉醇注射液作用36及72 h后,细胞存活率显著下降。镜下观察显示部分细胞皱缩变形,崩解坏死,细胞脱壁悬浮;MTT法结果显示两药均对KB细胞有抑制作用,并呈浓度和时间依赖性,但在相同浓度及时间下,两药IC50的差异无统计学意义;流式细胞术结果显示,相较对照组,各组细胞凋亡率显著增加,细胞周期各时相中,S期比例逐渐减少,0.1、1和10μmol.L-1组G2/M期比例显著增加,且高于100μmol.L-1组。但两药在相同浓度时,细胞凋亡率与周期变化无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论白蛋白结合型紫杉醇具有和紫杉醇相似的抑制KB细胞增殖和促进凋亡的能力。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the killing effect of albumin-bound paclitaxel and paclitaxel solution on human oral epi- thelial carcinoma KB cells in vitro. METHODS The KB cell line was cultured with different concentrations of albumin-bound paelita- xel or paclitaxel solution. MTT assay, inverted microscopic observation and flow cytometry assay were then used to monitor the growth and proliferation of the cell line. RESULTS When treated with different concentrations of albumin-bound paclitaxel or paclitaxel so- lution for 36 and 72 h, KB cells survival rate decreased significantly, however, the difference between their ICs0 was no significant; de- generation and necrosis of KB cells were found under microscope; the rate of cell apoptosis was increased gradually ; the rate of S phase was reduced, and the percentage of G2/M cells treated with 0. 1,1 and 10 p^mol ~ L-i albumin-hound paelitaxel or paelitaxel was in- creased, which significantly higher than that of G2/M cells treated with 100 p, molμ L- l albumin-bound paclitaxel or paclitaxel. Howev- er, the two groups with the same concentration showed no significant differences in apoptosis rate and cell cycle (P 〉 0. 05 ). CON-CLUSION Compared with paclitaxel, albumin-bound paclitaxel have the similar ability to inhibit proliferate and promote apoptosis in KB cells.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal