
农民田间学校培训对农民环境友好型技术采用的影响研究——以北京市设施番茄生产为例 被引量:11

Impacts of Technology Training Programs in Farmer Field Schools on the Adoption of Environment-Friendly Technology: Empirical Evidences from the Tomato Production in Beijing
摘要 【目的】研究农民田间学校培训对农民环境友好型技术采用的影响。【方法】以北京市农户设施番茄生产为例,通过对农民田间学校农户的随机抽样调查,采用probit模型估计农民田间学校培训对农民环境意识影响的净效果。【结果】目前条件下,北京市农民在番茄生产上采用环境友好型技术的比例还不足20%。在控制其它因素的条件下,农民田间学校培训使田间学校学员采用环境友好灌溉技术的比例比非田间学校村农户高14.7%,而采用环境友好施肥技术农户的比例比非田间学校村农户高8.3%。【结论】农民田间学校培训显著提高了农民的环境保护意识,使其在生产上较多地采用了环境友好型灌溉和施肥技术。 【Objective】The impacts of technology training programs in farmer field schools(FFS) on the adoption of environment-friendly technology was analyzed.【Method】 Through random sampling strategy of the farmers in tomato production in suburbans of Beijing,the econometric method was used to obtain the corresponding results.【Result】The descriptive statistics indicate that the percentage of farmers who adopt the environment-friendly technology is less than 20%.The empirical analysis shows that under the conditions of other variables are controlled,the proportion of the environment-friendly technology in irrigation adopted by farmers who have attended the technology training programs in FFS is 14.7% higher than that for the farmers who have not attended the training program.In respect to adopting the environment-friendly fertilization technology,the proportion of farmers who have attended the training program in FFS is 8.3% higher than those who have not attended the training program.【Conclusion】The results show that the training program in FFS significantly enhanced the adoption of environment-friendly technology,especially the irrigation and fertilization technologies in production.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1023-1030,共8页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71173014)
关键词 农民田间学校 环境友好型技术 PROBIT模型 farmer field school environment-friendly technology probit model
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