

The combination of cotyledons lead to organ-variation and organ-recombination in Florists cyclamen(Cyclamen persicum)
摘要 通过对种子萌发和实生苗发育过程以及种子萌发早期所出现的"类球茎"形态结构特征的观测,对比其子叶与真叶在叶片形态、脉序结构、叶面纹饰、叶柄的形态结构等方面的差异,研究仙客来(Cyclamen persicum Mill)球茎的发生来源和器官变异.结果发现:仙客来"类球茎"的形成总是出现在其种子萌发的早期,并且只有一片子叶;仙客来的子叶与真叶在形态和解剖方面存在一系列的差异;"类球茎"中的维管束有7~9束,排列成一大圈,而胚根中的维管束为四原型.对比子叶与真叶在叶片形态特征和叶柄结构方面的差异,比较"类球茎"与胚根在维管束结构方面的不同,同时,联系到一般双子叶植物实生苗发育期中常有的子叶腋芽的消失,上下胚轴模糊不清,子叶柄非常发育,以及"类球茎"的形成总是出现在仙客来种子萌发的很早时期等事实,认为仙客来的"类球茎"是一个由子叶腋芽原基、胚轴原基,以及子叶柄基部早期的分生组织共同融合发育而形成的复合组织,而不是一般意义上的球茎.由于两个子叶早在原基时期的合生发育,所以仙客来只有一片子叶,而且胚芽也被推离了中心部位. By use of surveying to the process of the seed germination and the seedling development,and compared the cotyledon with the normal leaves in the morphological characters and anatomical constructers,as well as observed the anatomical constructers of the young tuber-like,the origin of the tuber and organ-variation in Florists cyclamen belong to Primulaceae is studied.It is found that the tuber-like always occurs in the initial stage of the seed germination and there is only a single cotyledon in the seedling;there are a lot obvious differences between the cotyledon and the normal leaves.Another,there are 7~9 vascular bundles in the young tuber-like and arrange into a big circle;but the cotyledon buds that appear often in the seedling development process of the dactyls are disappear.The above facts show that the tuber-like is a complex tissue that has its origin in the cotyledon buds primordial and the hypocotyls primordial as well as the basely meristem of the cotyledon stalk.Because of 2 cotyledon primordial early united each other,so the seedling of Florists cyclamen has only a single cotyledon and the plumages is also pushed away the center.
作者 廉永善 马榕
出处 《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期62-65,共4页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 甘肃省省长基金资助项目
关键词 仙客来 球茎 子叶腋芽原基 胚轴原基 维管束 Florists cyclamen tuber cotyledon bud primordial hypocotyls primordial vascular bundle
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