
镇江圌山绍隆禅寺'活地'成因 被引量:1

On the Cause of "Active Land" in Shaolong Temple,Zhenjang
摘要 "活地"是宗教的传奇,而由于以往知识与技术的限制以及宗教圣地的"不可侵犯性","活地"也成了大自然的千年未解之谜。通过现场考察和资料调研,明晰了"活地"所在地区的地质构造特征。采用高频率表面波监测、分析技术,通过现场试验,研究了"活地"附近地表浅层岩土体分布情况。采用图像分析技术,经室内试验研究得出了"活地"及周围地区出露岩石的矿物组成。最终,对于"活地"的成因提出以下看法:1.否定了地下深层生长性岩脉诱发"活地"现象的观点;2.膨胀岩及膨胀土吸水膨胀对"活地"的隆升有一定作用,但这不是"活地"的主要诱因;3.提出"活地"是岩石风化作用及特殊地理环境综合作用结果的观点:风化作用使岩体疏松、体积增大,地面隆起;两侧山体运动对其交界处岩石产生挤压作用,为"活地"的持续隆升提供动力源。 The "active land" is such a terra that has kept rising in the past a thousand years. As it locates in a temple, many legends are brought out and it thus is considered as a religious wonder that is still a mystery to human beings. The geologic structures of the region where the land locates are examined by in-situ investigation and refe- ring the geological data. In - situ tests study the distribution of rock under the land and its vicinity region in surface layer, by monitoring and analyzing the velocity of surface waves with high frequency. With imaging analysis, the mineral components of the rock in this area are clarified. Based on the results of in-situ investigation and tests, sev- eral conclusions are come to as follows. The idea that the vegetal rock deeply beneath the surface causes the phe- nomenon of the active land is denied. The existence of rock with expansive property in this region might play a role in the growth of the terra, but not vital. The idea that the active land is the result both of rock' s weathering and the specific geologic environment is brought forward. The weathering loosens the rock and makes its volume increase, which causes the rise of the ground, and the hills shove the rocks in-between when they move, providing an ever- lasting driving power of the active land.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期93-98,共6页 Mountain Research
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金(51025932) 国家自然科学基金(10972158) 博士点基金(20100072110048)~~
关键词 '活地' 矿物成分 图像分析 膨胀特性 无损探测技术 "active land" nique mineral component imaging analysis expansive property undisturbed detecting tech-nique
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