
氟伏沙明在小鼠体内抗抑郁作用的时辰药理学及其机制研究 被引量:3

Study on Chronopharmacology and Its Mechanism of Antidepressant Effect of Fluvoxamine in Mice
摘要 目的:研究氟伏沙明在小鼠体内抗抑郁作用的时辰药理学及其可能机制。方法:以生理盐水为对照组,考察相邻2天的9:00、13:00、17:00、21:00、1:00、5:00共6个时间点注射氟伏沙明(30mg.kg-1)对小鼠在水中5min内的不动累积时间的影响,和同日内明、暗期(9:00、21:00)注射氟伏沙明对小鼠在暗箱中10min自发性活动(运动距离、运动时间、静止时间)的影响;另外还检测正常小鼠同日内明、暗期(9:00、21:00)脑组织中5羟色胺(5-HT)转运体(SERT)mRNA表达、5-HT再摄取浓度、sigma-1受体的变化。结果:与对照组比较,氟伏沙明能显著缩短小鼠的不动累积时间(P<0.01),其中21:00组不动累积时间最低,但不影响小鼠自发性活动;与明期(9:00)组比较,正常小鼠暗期(21:00)组脑组织中SERTmRNA表达和5-HT再摄取浓度及sigma-1受体的表达均明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:氟伏沙明在小鼠体内的抑郁作用具有昼夜节律性,该作用可能与中脑SERTmRNA的表达、sigma-1受体表达的昼夜节律变化相关。 OBJECTIVE: To study chronopharmacology and its mechanism of antidepressant effect of fluvoxamine in mice. METHODS: With normal saline as control, the influence of fluvoxamine (30 mg.kg-1) at 9:00, 13:00, 17:00, 21:00, 1:00 and 5 : 00 of consecutive 2 days on the immobility time of mice in water was investigated, and the influence of fluvoxamine at 9: 00 and 21:00 on the same day on 10 min spontaneous activity of mice in dark box (movement distance, movement time and rest time) was also studied. Serotonin transporter (SERT) mRNA expression and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake concentration and sig- ma-1 receptor in cerebral tissue of normal mice were detected at 9:00 and 21:00 on the same day. RESULTS: Compared with con- trol group, fluvoxamine could shorten the immobility time of mice significantly (P〈0.01). The immobility time of mice was the lowest at 21 : 00, which didn' t influence spontaneous activity of mice. Compared with light phase (9: 00) group, SERT mRNA ex- pression, 5-HT uptake concentration and sigma-1 receptor expression in cerebral tissue of normal mice increased significantly at dark phase (21: 00) group (P〈0.05). CONCLUSION: Anti-depressive effect of fluvoxamine exhibits a significant circadian rhythm, the mechanism of which might lie in the time-dependent changes of SERT mRNA expression and sigma receptor expression in the midbrain.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第13期1177-1179,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 氟伏沙明 时辰药理学 强迫性游泳 抗抑郁作用 小鼠 Fluvoxamine Chronopharmacology Forced swimming test Antidepressant effect Mice
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