1987年在川西南以嗜人按蚊为主要媒介的间日疟流行区35个县的276个乡,222.9万人口的地区用溴氰菊酯喷洒蚊帐1 489 929顶,1988年扩大为42个县385个乡385.2万人口,喷洒蚊帐2 259 286顶,占蚊帐总数的96.67%,受药量为9.6~12mg/m^2,经连续两年灭蚊后,嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊的密度分别较灭蚊前下降97.4%和98.9%。发病人数由1986年的60 264人减少为14 572人,下降75.7%,显示较好防疟效果.
In 1987 a field trials of malaria control by mosquito-nets sprayed with deltamethrin was carried out in soutkwest of Sichuan Province where the main transmission vector was An.anthropophagus covering an area of 276 townships in 35 countieswith a popula- tion of 2.229 millions and a total of 1.489929 million mosquito-nets were sprayed.In 1988 the practie was extended to 385 townships in 42 counties with a population of 3.852 millions and a total of 2.25986 million mosquito-nets,accounted for 96,67% of the total mosquito-nets used in the area,were sprayed with a dose of 9.6-12mg/m^2.Aresp- ective drop of 97.4% and 98.9% in the densities of An.anthropophagus and An.Sinensis was achived.After 2 years' operation the prevalence of malaria decreased from 60264 infections in 1985 to 14527 infections in 1988,a reduction of 75.7%.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control