
水稻6个异交相关性状的SSR关联分析 被引量:16

Association analysis of six outcrossing-related traits in rice(Oryza sativa L.)with SSR markers
摘要 从水稻核心种质和栽培品种中选取95个品种构成品种总群体,调查该群体6个异交相关性状。选用分布在水稻12条染色体上的93个SSR标记对这95个品种进行基因型鉴定。采用TASSEL软件中一般线性模型对标记与性状间的关联进行分析,发掘有利等位变异和相应载体品种。结果表明:品种总群体中6个异交性状的变异系数为9.9%~62.9%。共检测到22个与异交性状相关联的SSR分子标记,其中8个与剑叶角度相关联,2个与花丝长度相关联,4个与花药长度相关联,1个与柱头长度相关联,3个与柱头外露率相关联,9个与开颖角度相关联。发掘了一批携有优良等位变异且效应值较大的载体品种。携有RM480-197 bp和RM535-170 bp条带的‘无芒早稻’分别对增加剑叶角度和花丝长度效应最大。携有RM311-162bp条带的‘敲冰黄’对增加花药长度效应最大。携有RM498-187 bp条带的‘滇屯502选早’对增加柱头长度效应最大。携有RM206-150 bp条带的‘徐稻5号’对提高柱头外露率效应最大。携有RM311-159 bp条带的‘小白野稻’对增加开颖角度效应最大。这些有利等位变异及其载体品种可用作水稻异交性状遗传改良的亲本。 Association analysis of six outcrossing-related traits in flee( Oryza sativa L. )with SSR markers was conducted by using a variety population composed of 95 varieties ,which were chosen from a core collection and a cultivar population. Genotyping of the 95 varieties was carried out with 93 SSR molecular markers distributed on 12 chromosomes. The general linear model in software of TASSEL( trait analysis by association, evolution and linkage)was used to analyze the association between SSR markers and the 6 traits. Elite alleles and their carrier varieties were determined on the basis of the result of association analysis. It was found that the coefficients of variation of the 6 traits ranged from 9.9% to 62.9% in the population. Twenty two SSR marker loci associated with the 6 outcrossing-related traits were detected. Among them, 8 loci associated with flag leaf angle ,2 loci associated with filament length ,4 loci associated with anther length, 1 locus associated with stigma length, 3 loci associated with percentage of exerted stigma and 9 loci associated with angle of glumes opening. A set of elite alleles and their carrier varieties with largest phenotypic effect were detected. RM480-197 bp and RM535-170 bp bands in variety' Wumangzaodao' had the largest effect on increasing flag leaf angle and filament length. RM311-162 bp band in' Qiaobinghuang' had the largest effect on increasing anther length. RM498-187 bp band in' Diantun 502 xuanzao' had the largest effect on increasing stigma length. RM206-150 bp band in' Xudao 5'had the largest effect on increasing percentage of exerted stigma. RM311-159 bp band in' Xiaobaiyedao' had the largest effect on increasing angle of glumes opening. These elite alleles and their carrier varieties could be used as parents for genetic improvement of outcrossing-related traits in rice.
出处 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期1-9,共9页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
基金 高等学校学科创新引智计划项目(B08025) 教育部科技基础条件平台重点项目(505005) 国家863计划项目(2010AA101301)
关键词 水稻 异交性状 关联分析 SSR分子标记 有利等位变异 rice outcrossing-related traits association analysis SSR molecular marker elite allele
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