用定透法和盐浮法对6647份粪样作肠道线虫卵的配对调查。所检粪样中有5265份是经过1~6次驱虫后虫卵偏少的粪便。两法累计查出的阳性粪样中,定透法对蛔虫卵的检出率为92.7%,高于盐浮的6(?).3%,对钩虫卵和鞭虫卵为60.9%和66.7%,分别低于盐浮法的88.0%和79.7%。在盐浮法查出钩虫阳鞭虫的 EPG 值分别<50和<40的阳性粪样中,定透法平均仅能分别检出41.1%和45.1%的阳性,而且所检漏的阳性样本数分别占其阳性检漏数的80.9%和88.1%。提出定透法单独用于肠道线虫病的疗效考核显然是不够理想的。
Study on a combined application of the modified Kato's thick-smear technique and brine floatation technique was carried out.In the total positive stool specimens detected with both techniques,the positive rate for Ascaris was 92.7%,60.9% for hookworm and 66.7% for Trichuris by the modified Kato's technique;but 63.3% 88.0% and 79.7% respe- ctively by brine floatation technique.In the positive fecal samples of EPG<50(hook worm egg) and EPG<40(Trichuris egg)detected by brine floatation technique,only 41.1% and 45.1% positives could be detected respectively by the modified Kato's thick-smear technique,It is suggested that a single modified Kato's thick-smear technique for evalu- ating the efficacy in the treatment intestinal nematode infections was unsatisfactory.We recommend that combined use of the two technniques be suitable for this purpose.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control