静脉留置针应用于临床 ,既减少了病人痛苦也方便医务人员的工作。由于市场上留置针有多种型号产品 ,我们选用了两种类型留置针用于作OGTT试验静脉抽血 ,观察它们对溶血的影响 ,结果发现德国BRAUNU LE套管式留置针溶血例数 (占 16 7% )比美国产B D软管式留置针 (占 2 86 % )高很多 (P <0 0 1) ,且溶血程度也较深。
The use of I.V.Therapy pocket in clinic not only alleviates patients' suffering but also reduces the nursing staffs work.There are many types of I.V.Therapy pocket in present.We used two types of I.V.Therpy in the blood sampling of OGTT and observed their effects on hematolysis .The results showed that the rate of hematolysis with BRAUNU LE trocar permanent needle made in German were much higher than those with B D permanent needle made in America.(16.7% vs 2.85%).The degree of hematolysis with trocar permanent needle was also more remarkable.The results gave us a good reference for the choice of permanent needle. [WT5”HZ]
Journal of Nurses Training