
昆明市HIV感染者及AIDS患者生存质量分析 被引量:14

The quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS ( PLWHA ) in Kunming
摘要 目的了解昆明市HIV感染者及AIDS患者生存质量及其影响因素。方法于2011年3-4月期间,采用方便抽样法从云南省CDC、云南省传染病院、昆明市传染病院抽取247例HIV感染者及AIDS患者,并采用一般情况问卷、简体中文版MOS-HIV量表(MOS-HIV,共包含11个维度)和社会支持评定量表进行调查,采用t检验、多元线性回归等方法对调查结果进行分析。结果调查对象年龄为(39.8±11.9)岁,感染期间症状数的中位数(四分位数间距)值为1(2)个。MOS-HIV调查生存质量得分中,躯体状况得分为(47.4±11.2)分,精神状况为(43.6±9.7)分;MOS-HIV的11个维度,即总体健康感觉、躯体功能、角色功能、社会功能、认知功能、疼痛、心理健康、精力或疲劳、健康压力、生活质量、健康转换的得分分别为(42.9±19.9)、(79.4±24.9)、(59.8±48.2)、(67.0±33.6)、(71.0±25.4)、(81.3±26.2)、(62.0±22.3)、(49.34-23.8)、(74.4±21.0)、(51.8±21.1)、(49.0±29.8)分。社会支持情况总得分为(28.64-7.6)分,其中,主观支持得分为(17.2±6.3),客观支持得分为(5.9±2.2)分,对支持利用度得分为(5.5±1.9)分。多元线性回归分析显示,感染期间症状数越多,躯体状况(b′=-0.22)、总体健康感觉(b′=-0.31)、躯体功能(b′=-0.16)、角色功能(b′=-0.23)、疼痛(b′=-0.21)、心理健康(b′=0.22)、精力或疲劳(b′=-0.22)和健康压力(b′=-0.24)得分越低(P值均〈0.05);年龄越大,调查对象躯体状况(b′=-0.16)、精神状况(b′=-0.16)、躯体功能(b′=-0.26)、精力或疲劳(b′=-0.26)和生活质量(b′=-0.17)得分越低(P值均〈0.05);主观支持得分越高,躯体状况(b′=0.26)、精神状况(b′=0.22)、总体健康感觉(b′=0.27)、社会功能(b′0.26)、心理健康(b′=0.15)和生活质量(b′=0.22)得分越高(P值均〈0.05);对支持利用得分越高,躯体功能(b′=0.16)和健康转换(b′=0.31)得分越高(P值均〈0.05)。结论昆明市HIV感染者及AIDS患者生存质量较差,感染期间症状数多、年龄大、主观支持得分低等是其危害因素。 Objective To explore the quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and analyze the influencing factors in Kunming. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted from March to April in year 2011, and 247 PLWHA were selected by convenience sampling from Yunnan CDC, Yunnan and Kunming infectious disease hospitals. General questionnaires, the simplified Chinese edition of medical outcomes study-HIV health survey (MOS-HIV, including 11 dimensions) and Social Support Scale were used. t test and multivariable linear regression model were used to analyze the results. Results For the subjects investigated,the age was (39. 8 - 11.9) years old,the median(quartile) value of symptoms related to HIV infection was 1 ( 2 ) . As to the scores of quality of life measured by MOS-HIV, physical summary score was 47. 4 ± 11.2, mental summary score was 43. 6 ± 9. 7 ; for the scores of 11 dimensions of the MOS-HIV,that were general health (42.9 ±19. 9) ,physical function (79.4 ±24. 9), role function (59. 8 ± 48.2), social function ( 67.0 ± 35.6), cognitive function (71.0 ± 25.4 ), pain ( 81.3 ±26. 2), mental health ( 62. 0 ± 22. 3 ), vitality ( 49. 3 ± 23.8 ), health distress ( 74. 4 ± 21.0 ), quality of life ( 51.8 ± 21.1 ), health transition ( 49. 0 ± 29. 8 ). The total score of social support was 28. 6 ± 7.6, of which the score of subjective social support was 17. 2 ± 6. 3, the score of the objective social support was 5.9 ± 2. 2; the score of the utilization of social support was 5.5 ± 1.9. Muhivariable linear regression analysis showed that the more the symptoms related to HIV infection, the lower the physical summary scores ( standardized coefficients b′= - 0. 22), the general health ( b′= - 0. 31 ) , the physical function ( b′= - 0. 16 ) , the role function ( b′= - 0. 23 ), the pain ( b′= - 0. 21 ), the mental health ( b′= - 0. 22 ), the vitality ( b′= - 0. 22) and the health distress scores ( b′= - 0. 24 ) ( all P values 〈 0. 05 ) ; the older the age, the lower the physical summary scores( b′= -0. 16 ), the mental summary scores (b′= -0. 16 ) , the physical function ( b′= - 0. 26) ,the vitality ( b′= - 0. 26 ) and the quality of life scores ( b′= - 0. 17 ) ( all P values 〈 0.05 ) ; the higher the score of the subjective social support, the higher the physical summary scores (b′= 0. 26), the mental summary scores (b′=0. 22), the general health (b′= 0. 27 ), the social function (b′= 0. 26), the mental health ( b′ = 0. 15 ) and the quality of life scores ( b′= 0. 22) ( all P values 〈 0. 05 ) ; the higher the score of the utilization of social support, the higher the physical function ( b′= 0. 16 ) and the health transition scores ( b′= 0. 31 ) ( all P values 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion PLWHA in Kunming have relatively lower scores of quality of life. A large number of symptoms during infection, older age and lower score of subjective social support were the hazard factors of quality of life in PLWHA.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期241-245,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 云南省新一轮防治艾滋病人民战争评估专题调查项目
关键词 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 HIV 生活质量 因素分析 统计学 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV Quality of life Factor analysis, statistical
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