1Sudesh Mishra, "Diaspora Criticism," Introducing Criticism in the 21st Century, ed. Julian Wolfreys(Edinburgh UP, 2002).
2Vijay Mishra, "The Diaspora Imaginary: Theorizing the Indian Diaspora," Textual Practice 10. 3(1996) :421 - 47.
3Clifford,James. "Diasporas." Cultural Anthropology 9(1994) : 304 - 05.
4Cohen, Robin. Global Diasporas. London: UCL Press, 1997.
5Mishra, Viiay. "Introduction: Diaspora." Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 3(1993) .34 - 35.
6Safran, William. "Diasporas in Modem Societies: Myths of Homeland and Return." Diaspora 1(1991) :83 - 99.
7Tololyan, Khachig. "The Nation State and its Others." Diaspora 1 ( 1991 ) : 3 - 7.
8Walter Benjamin, "The Task of the Translator", Illuminations: Essays and Refleaions,Trans. Harry Zohn, Ed. Hannah Arendt, New York:Schocken,1969. pp.69-82.
9Vladimir Nabokov, The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, New York:Vintage International, 2002.
10Homi K. Bhabha, "Locations of Culture", The Critical Tradition : Classical Texts and Contemporary Trends, Ed. David H. Richter, Second edition, Boston/New York: Bedfonl/St. Martin,1998, pp. 1331-1344,1333,1337.