
非连续粗糙多界面接触变形和能量损耗特性研究 被引量:3

Contact deformation and energy dissipation characteristics of a discontinuous rough multi-interface
摘要 非连续多层叠加结构的粗糙界面接触形变与能量损耗特性是一项研究较少的难题。在单一界面能量损耗特性研究的基础上,通过建立"多层粗糙金属板-刚性平面"的多界面模型,采用有限元方法,对加载与卸载过程中,具有不同界面形貌、不同塑性变形行为和界面摩擦的多层叠加模型粗糙多界面的接触力和变形进行计算,研究了多层叠加结构粗糙界面上的接触力-变形关系,以及由塑性变形与界面摩擦引起的能量损耗特性,构造了描述粗糙多界面上接触力-变形关系表达式,计算了多层粗糙界面的能量传递损耗率,分析了多层叠加结构的非连续粗糙多界面接触变形机理和能量损耗特性。 The contact deformation and energy dissipation characteristics of a discontinuous rough multi-interface are complicated problems.Here,a "multi-layered rough surface metal panels-rigid plane" model was proposed to study the contact force-deformation relation and energy dissipation characteristics for a rough multi-interface based on the study done for a single interface.The concept of energy loss ratio was defined to describe the energy dissipation characteristics of different interfaces.The contact force and deformation results obtained using the finite element method(FEM) for a multi-interface with different surface topographies,different plastic deformation behaviors during loading and unloading process were presented.The effect of friction was also investigated and comparisons were done with frictionless cases.Expressions relating contact force and deformation were established for both loading and unloading process and good correlation with the calculated results was obtained.The influences of surface topography,plastic deformation behavior and friction on energy dissipation characteristics were also presented.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期83-89,共7页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51035008)
关键词 非连续 粗糙多界面 接触 塑性变形-硬化 能量损耗 discontinuous rough multi-interface contact plastic strain-hardening energy dissipation
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