
公用事业引进民间资本的思考——基于城市公交行业的分析与政策建议 被引量:1

A Study on Private Capital's Entry into Public Utilities and Proposals——Based on Urban Public Transport Sector
摘要 近年来我国政策层面连续出台了两部纲领性文件,对相关领域引进民间资本发出了强烈的信号。然而在城市公用事业领域民间资本的流向却与之相背。我们思考了该领域引进民间资本的一些问题,并提出了几点相应的政策建议。在当前城市公交存在供需失衡且建设资金又有巨额缺口的情况下,尽快扭转民资流向无疑是正确的选择。建立良好的公私互动机制、增强政府承诺的可信性并实施回报率规制是扭转资金流向的关键。 China' s policy makers have issued two programmatic documents in recent years, which is a strong signal for private capital to flow into public utilities. However, private capital is flowing out of China' s urban public transport sector. This paper made a study on the barriers against private capital' s entry into this sector and then made some suggestions on what policies should be made to remove them. Under the current situation of imbalance between supply and demand and of a lack of public capital in this sector, it is a wise policy to reverse the trend of private capital's flowing out as soon as possible. And the key for the reversion is to establish a good publicprivate interactivity mechanism and meanwhile enhance the credibility of the government' s commitment as well as put into practice a rateofreturn regulation.
作者 郭磊 李岭
出处 《山东财政学院学报》 2012年第2期74-80,共7页 Journal of Shandong Finance Institute
基金 山东省软科学项目"公用事业领域政府与民间提供主体良性互动机制研究"(2010RKGA2036) 山东省泰山学者专项经费的资助
关键词 公用事业 城市公交 公私互动 规制 可信性 public utilities urban public transport publicprivate interactivity regulation credibility
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