目的 探讨澳门地区道路交通伤的一些流行病学特点。 方法 回顾性统计分析澳门镜湖医院1994 年1 月~1998 年12 月救治3 648 例道路交通伤病案。 结果 道路交通意外致伤3 642 例,死亡6 例;轿车和摩托车是造成人员伤亡的主要车型,分别占机动车所致交通伤的49 .8% 和39.1% ;机动车与行人碰撞是道路交通伤的主要类型,占51.8% ,儿童组占受伤行人的46 .4% ;大部分交通伤造成的人员损伤较轻微,擦伤、挫裂伤和撕裂伤占85.3% ,约85.9 % 的伤员只需门诊治疗;在机动车造成行人的损伤中,车轮碾压足部致伤占11.0% ;停车后突然开启的车门与行驶中的摩托车相碰撞,导致摩托车驾驶员和乘员受伤占摩托车与其他机动车碰撞类型的11 .6% ;在时间分布上,1 d 内交通意外的数量以中午和下午17:00 为高峰,1 周内以星期五为高发日,春节及暑期交通意外明显减少。 结论 人口稠密、道路狭窄、交通拥挤是导致澳门交通事故的重要因素。发展立体交通可减少人车混流,要重视保护行人尤其是儿童的交通安全。
Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of traffic injuries in Macao. Methods The study retrospectively analyzed 3 648 cases with traffic injury between Janury 1994 and December 1998 in Macao Kiangwu Hospital. Results There were 3 642 cases of traffic accidents, 6 of which resulted in death. Cars and motorcycles were the main vehicles for casualties. The colliding of pedestrians with motor vehicles was the main cause for traffic wounds, which was accounting for 51.8%. In children, it was 46.4%. Most patients were with slight traffic injuries, 85.3% of which were from abrasion, contusion and laceration. About 85.9% of total only needed ambulatory treatment. Among the pedestrians' injuries caused by motor vehicles, 11.0% were from trampling feet by vehicle wheels. The colliding of the vehicle doors which were opened in a sudden after stop with moving motorcycles resulted in the injury of drivers and passengers. Such colliding accounted for 11.6% compared with other colliding types of notorcycles with motor vehicles. As for the time, in a day, the peak of traffic accidents appeared at noon and at 17:00 in the afternoon. But in a week, it was on Friday. However, the traffic accidents were reduced significantly in Spring Festival and Summer Holiday. Conclusions The dense population and the crowded traffic are the important factors leading to traffic accidents in Macao. It is necessary to pay more attention to traffic safety of pedestrians, especially of children. To develop the three dimensional traffic is one of the ways to reduce the traffic accidents.
Chinese Journal of Trauma
Accidents, traffic
Wounds and injuries