在生物医学、化学液体的流量检测与分析及固态元器件冷却等领域中 ,均需要流量的精细控制和检测系统。在这类流量精细控制和检测系统中 ,微小型泵是一个基本元件。作者利用上海交通大学研制成功的、由微细加工工艺制备的、直径为2mm的电磁型微马达作驱动源 ,并配以电火花加工工艺制备的蜗壳和Ti合金叶轮制成旋转式微泵。微泵的外形尺寸为Φ4 5× 6 5mm ,最大流量可达 1 2ml/min ,流量可根据马达转速进行调节。
In biomedical, flow control and analysis of chemical fluid and cooling of the solid state devices, there has been a large demand for a micro flow control and measurement system, in which the micropumps are an essential component The electromagnetic micromotor with an outer diameter of 2 mm which is microfabricated by Shanghai Jiao Tong University is used as a driving source of the micropump. The turbo wheel and house made of Ti alloy are fabricated by EDM. The volume flow of the micropump with an outer diameter of 4.5mm and a length of 6.5 mm is 12ml/min. And the flow rate is controlled by the micromotor speed.
Microfabrication Technology