

Navigation Algorithms Performance Test System for Engineering Applications
摘要 针对当前大量优秀导航算法停留在理论仿真研究阶段,无法用极小的代价完成实际工程验证的不足,提出了一种面向工程应用的导航算法性能测试系统实现方案,通过对用户可任意配置时钟、多导航传感器数据接收与同步支持、全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)和捷联式惯性导航系统(SINS)软件模块设计,实现了全开放软硬件平台的低成本、多功能导航算法性能测试系统。实际测试与论证表明:该系统既可用于新的GNSS、SINS算法性能测试,也可满足多种不同组合模式下的数据融合算法验证需求,具有重要的理论指导意义和工程应用价值。 A lot of current good navigation algorithm remains in the theoretical simulation stage, which can't be verified in practical engineering with miimal price. A highly flexible multi-function navigation algorithm performance testing system is designed and realized. The system including user configurable clock, more navigation sensor reception and data synchronization, GNSS and SINS software modules are designed. By means of a full open hardware software platform, A low cost multifunctional navigation algorithm performance testing system is achieved. Actual test and demonstration show that the system can be used for new GNSS, SINS algorithm performance testing, can meet data fusion algorithm valida- tion requirements of different navigation mode, and has important theoretical significance and value in engineering.
出处 《全球定位系统》 2012年第1期8-12,20,共6页 Gnss World of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(61001155) 中国博士后科学基金(20100480978) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(HEUCFR1114)
关键词 导航算法验证 全开放平台 可配置时钟 数据同步 数据融合 Navigation algorithm verification wide open platform configurable clock data synchronization data fusion
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