本文首先对计算机教学资源网络面临的安全风险进行分析,接着简要介绍了SSL VPN技术的基本原理,由于传统的安全设备不能解决计算机教学资源网络中用户或者设备的身份认证问题、机密性问题、不可否认性问题等,针对这些问题,把SSL VPN技术运用于计算机教学资源网络,设计了一个多层次纵深的计算机教学资源网络安全防护系统,该系统具有安全性较高、高可用性、移动办公方便,访问控制严格的特点,并具有保密性、身份认证、不可否认性等特点。
This article first computer teaching resources network security risks were analyzed,then briefly introduces the basic principles of SSL VPN technology,traditional security devices can not solve the authentication of users or devices in the network of computer teaching resources,confidentiality,non-repudiation issues,solve these problems,SSL VPN technology used in computer teaching resource network designed computer teaching resources for more than one level in depth network security protection system,the system has high security,high availability,mobile office convenience,access control strict,and has the characteristics of confidentiality,authentication,nonrepudiation.
Computer CD Software and Application