
CuO掺杂对BaZn_2Ti_4O_(11)陶瓷微波介电性能的影响 被引量:1

Effect of CuO additive on the microwave dielectric properties of BaZn_2Ti_4O_(11) ceramics
摘要 采用固相反应法制备了CuO掺杂的BaZn2Ti4O11陶瓷,研究了所制陶瓷的物相、微观结构和微波介电性能。结果表明,CuO既可以在晶界处形成低共熔体,导致液相烧结,降低烧结温度40℃,又可使部分Cu2+进入晶格取代了部分Zn2+,增加Q.f值。掺杂质量分数0.5%的CuO在1 160℃烧结2 h所制得BaZn2Ti4O11陶瓷的微波介电性能较佳:相对介电常数εr=29.4,Q.f=50 500 GHz,频率温度系数τf=–35.6×10–6/℃。 CaO-B2O3-SiO2(CBS) glass was prepared by water quenching with the Na2O and K2O doping being substituted by MgO. The effects of MgO addition on the sintering performance, dielectric properties and thermal expansion of the prepared CBS glass were studied. The results show that substituting Na2O and K2O with MgO increases the softening temperature and viscosity activation energy of the CBS glass, inhibits the diffusion of silver ions and the presence of yellow color during the co-firing process of CBS glass and silver electrode. The CBS glass sintered at 850 ℃ and containing 0.2%(mass fraction) MgO and 0.1%(mass fraction) Na2O shows a better performance: density ρ=2.45 g/cm3, relative permittivity εr=5.98 and dielectric loss tanδ=5×10–4 at 1 MHZ, thermal expansion coefficient α=10.1×10^–6/℃.
作者 李俊杰 何茗
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期4-6,17,共4页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 四川省教育厅基金资助项目(No.11ZD15)
关键词 微波介质陶瓷 介电性能 BaZn2Ti4O11 CuO掺杂 microwave dielectric ceramics dielectric properties BaZn2Ti4Oll CuO-doping
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