

Frequency Conversion Based on Light Storage in Pr:YSO Crystal
摘要 基于电磁感应光透明导致的光存储效应,在四能级双Lambda系统的Pr∶YSO晶体中,实验研究光信息在两个不同频率通道间的转换.结果表明:在电磁感应光透明的条件下,当一个弱的探测脉冲通过晶体时,其群速度减慢,实验观测到的群速度为86 m/s;当慢光脉冲在晶体中传输时,在绝热条件下关闭相干控制场,此时探测场光脉冲的部分相干光学信息将存储于晶体内部;在光信息释放过程中,通过开启不同方向及频率的两个控制场,存储的光信息会由原慢光脉冲单一通道转换为两个具有不同频率和方向的光脉冲通道进行释放.在释放过程中调整两个控制场可实现慢光信息在两个不同频率通道间的相互转换. The authors experimentally demonstrated the optical information transfer between two frequencies channels based on electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT) in a four level double lambda system in Pr∶YSO crystal.Under the conditions of EIT,a weak probe pulse is slowed during the propagation in the crystal.A group velocity of 86 m/s is observed experimentally.By adiabatically switching off the control field,most of the probe pulse is stored in the sample.By switching on two control fields(with distinct frequencies and direction) in the release process,the stored optical information is distributed into two spatially-separated channels from the original slow light pulse with a single channel.By adjusting the two control fields in the release process,the information of slowed light pulse can be converted between the frequencies channels.
出处 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期323-327,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10904048 11074097 11004080 11004079 10974071)
关键词 电磁感应光透明 慢光 光存储 频率转换 electromagnetically induced transparency slow light light storage frequencies conversion
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