目的:探讨与文化相关的精神障碍的文化属性及时间、地域差异。 方法:统计1988~1997年间城、乡3所精神病院与文化相关精神障碍的门诊率、住院率及患者的一般资料,对其时间、地域、性别、年龄、文化程度差异及文化内涵的变化进行分析。 结果:城市以气功所致精神障碍为主,发病率近10年有逐渐增高的趋势;农村以迷信巫术所致精神障碍为主,就诊率的时间差异不明显,内容前几年以迷信为主,后几年以宗教为主。气功所致者的性别差异不明显,文化水平相对较高;迷信巫术所致者以女性多见,文化水平普遍较低。 结论:气功及迷信巫术所致精神障碍都具有明显的文化属性。
Objective:To study the change of the pattem of culture bound mental illness in urban and rural areas over 10 years time. Method:Culture bound mental illness seen in both out and in patients at three mental hospitals between 1988 to 1997 were studied.Demographic and clinical data were analysed. Results:The main culture bound mental problem in the urban areas was related to ‘qigong’and the incidence had increased in the past 10 years.In the rural areas,the main culture bound mental problem was related to superstition or witchcraft with no significant difference at different times over the past 10 years.Superstition dominated the scene in the first half of the past decade while religious themes had become more common in the recent years.Those with mental problem related to ‘qigong’showed no gender difference and their education was significantly higher.Those with themes of superstition or witchcraft were predominantly females and had lower education. Conclusion:Mental illness related to ‘qigong’,superstition or witchcrafts could be envisaged as culture bound syndromes with presentation changing according to the prevailing cultural norm.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Qigong Superstition Witchcraft Mental illness Culture