
六足步行机器人腿机构绳传动系统设计与仿真 被引量:5

Design and Simulation of Wire Driving System in Leg Mechanism of Hexapod Walking Robot
摘要 针对典型步行机器人腿机构绳传动系统的缺点,设计了一种简单、小巧、实用的新型绳传动系统,并将其应用到六足步行机器人腿机构上,由此完成了六足绳传动步行机器人整机的设计。运用ADAMS软件建立了虚拟样机,并选择典型的三角步态进行整机运动仿真,仿真结果表明所设计的步行机器人虚拟样机可按给定步态进行直线行走和转弯。在此基础上,制作了真实样机。经测试,机器人行走时机体稳定,且速度较快。为进一步研究六足绳传动步行机器人奠定了基础。 Considering shortcomings of typical wire driving system in leg mechanism of hexapod walking robot,a new wire driving system,which is simple,small and practical,is designed.And it is used in leg mechanism of hexapod walking robot.Thus,a hexapod walking robot with wire driving system is designed.A virtual prototype is set up by using ADAMS.After the triangle gait is chosen for the robot,motion simulation is carried out.The results shows that the virtual prototype of the walking robot can walk straight and turn in accordance with the given gait.On that basis,the real prototype is made.Through testing,the robot can walk fast and stable,which lay the foundation of further research on hexapod walking robot with wire driving system.
作者 杨若霁 陈峰
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2012年第3期89-93,共5页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
关键词 六足步行机器人 腿机构 绳传动系统 仿真 hexapod walking robot leg mechanism wire driving system simulation
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