基于认知语言学概念隐喻和话语分析中van Dijk的意识方块的理论,本文构建话语分析的理论框架,分析《中国日报》和《纽约时报》对中美人民币汇率争议的相关报道。研究表明在对于汇率议题进行概念化时,两个媒体都采用了战争隐喻,表达了对于该事件的态度;在对汇率争议的双方进行概念化时,两份报纸则存在较大差异。双方均把自己一方概念化为积极和正面的形象,对方为消极和负面的形象。最后,论文分析了导致这种概念化差异的原因——双方对于引起这场经济危机的根源认识不同,中美各自认为自己的理解是正确的。
Integrating the metaphoric theory from cognitive linguistics and van Dijk's ideological square,this research sets up a framework in order to analyze reports from China Daily and New York Times on the issue of the Sino-US currency reports.It shows not only that,in conceptualizing the dispute itself,two newspapers resort to the war metaphor to show their attitude but also that there are great divergence in constructing their images on the two newspapers with the intention of constructing a positive image for oneself and a negative one for the opponent.The reason for this difference results from the divergence in understanding the root cause of this worldwide economic setback because each side does not want to be a scapegoat and believes the other is wrong in selecting methods to revitalize the economy.
Contemporary Foreign Language Studies