
5.12汶川大地震后24个月灾区小学生心理健康状况调查 被引量:2

Research on the Mental Health of Pupils 24 Months a er 5.12 Earthquake
摘要 目的了解5.12汶川大地震24个月后震区小学生的心理健康状况,为进行震后长期心理危机干预提供依据。方法于2010年5月即汶川大地震发生后24个月,分别使用创伤应激量表儿童版(CRIES-13)、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表(DSRSC)、长处与困难问卷(SDQ)学生版,调查了553名来自于彭州灾区的小学生的心理健康状况及其影响因素。结果①灾区小学生CRIES-13总分为(22.98±12.29)分,其中大于划界分(30分)者为143人,占总人数的25.9%;女性总分高于男性(Z=2.031,P=0.042);震后被转移至安全地点的时间越长(OR=1.025,P=0.012)、家人伤亡越严重(OR=1.141,P=0.021),其CRIES-13总分大于划界分的可能性越高。②灾区小学生DSRSC总分为(11.07±5.78)分,其中总分大于划界分(15分)者为120人,占总人数的21.7%;女性总分高于男性(Z=2.508,P=0.012);灾区小学生的年龄(r=0.098,P=0.021)、震后被转移至安全地点的时间(r=0.117,P=0.004)与DSRSC总分呈正相关。③灾区小学生SDQ总困难因子得分为(14.97±5.44)分,62.9%的人报告自身存在主观困难;女性的情绪因子、亲社会因子得分高于男性(Z=3.123,P=0.002;Z=2.243,P=0.025);年龄越大,品行因子(χ2=7.604,P=0.023)、亲社会因子(χ2=8.102;P=0.017)得分增加。结论震后灾区小学生的心理健康状况受到性别、年龄、震后被转移至安全地点的时间、家人伤亡程度的影响,震后长期心理危机干预应综合考虑这些相关因素以确定高危人群。 Objective To examine the mental health status of pupils 24 hours after the 5.12 earthquake, and to help develop the long-term post-traumatic psychological interventions. Methods The self-reported children's revised impact of event scale (CRIES-13), depression self-rating scale for children (DSRSC) and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) were administered to 553 pupils from the earthquake affected areas on May 2010, 24 months after the earthquake, to investigate on their mental health status and its related factors. Results ① The pupils had an average CRIES-13 score (total score) of 22.98 ± 12.29. A total of 143 had a score higher than the cut-point of 30, accounting for 25.9% of the total number of children. Female children had higher total scores than male ones (Z=-2.031, P=0.042). The longer the pupils took to be transferred to safe places (OR= 1.025, P=0.012), and the more severe injuries of their family (OR= 1.141, P=0.021), the more likely the pupils got a higher score than the cut-point. ② The pupils had an average DSRSC score (total score) of 11.07 ± 5.78. A total of 120 children had a score higher than the cut-point of 15, accounting for 21.7% of the total number. Female children had higher total scores than male ones (Z=-2.508, P=0.012). The age of pupils (r=0.098, P=0.021) and the time they took to get to safe places (r=0.117, P=0.004) were positively correlated with DSRSC total score. ③ The pupils had an average SDQ score (total difficulty score) of 14.97 ± 5.44, with 62.9% reporting at least minor perceived difficulties. Females had higher emotional, pro-social subscale scores than males (Z=-3.123, P=-0.002; Z=-2.243, P=-0.025). The older the age was, the higher the moral and pro-social subscale scores were (χ2=7.604, P=-0.023; χ2=8.102, P=-0.017). Conclusions The mental health status of pupils from earthquake affected areas are influenced by their gender, age, the time spent for them to be transferred to safe places and the severity of their family's injury. These factors should be taken into considerations when the long-term post-traumatic psychological interventions are planned.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2012年第2期254-258,共5页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 地震 小学生 创伤应激量表 儿童抑郁障碍自评量表 长处与困难问卷 Earthquake Pupil Children's revised impact of event scale Depression self-rating scale for children Strengths and difficulties questionnaire
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