
西方世界深陷三重危机 被引量:3

The Western World Enmeshed in a Threefold Crisis
摘要 西方的金融危机导致财政状况空前恶化,引发主权债务危机,主权债务危机的扩散造成金融市场和实体经济剧烈震荡,西方世界进入“财政危机—金融动荡一经济停滞”的严重恶性循环中,经济财政危机引起了西方社会对资本主义体制的再思考。 Financial crisis in the Western World led to an unprecedented deterioration of its financial situation and set off a series of sovereign debt crises.That crisis has spread to such an extent that it caused a completely shattered feeling to the financial markets and real economies.The West is now moving into a serous and vicious circle of 'financial crisis-financial turbulence-economic stagnation'.After having a traumatic experience from the economic and financial crises,people in the West countries come to feel the need to mull over the capitalist system once again.
作者 竺彩华
出处 《和平与发展》 2012年第1期56-61,70,共6页 Peace and Development
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