目的:为克服现有的增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,PVR)分类法的不足,更好地适应临床工作的需要。方法:作者提出一个新的PVR临床分类法。结果:本分类法按病变程度将PVR分为A、B、C三级,C级PVR按病变部位又分为a(前)、p(后)、s(下)三型,分别代表前部增殖、后部增殖、视网膜下增殖:用象限数而不是钟点数来记录病变范围,不仅描述全部病变范围(C1~C4),同时也通过由三位数组成的aps码分别描述三型病变的范围。结论:本分类法简明而全面,易于交流;三型病变的划分与临床治疗密切相关,具有很好的实用性。
Purpose: To overcome the shortcomings in the classifications of proliferative viteeoretinopathy(PVR), and to meet better the needs of clinical work. Method: The authors proposed a new clinical classification of PVR, Results: This classification subdivided PVR into three (A, B, C) grades according to the severity of the disease, and subdivided grade C PVR into three(a, p, s) types according to the location of the abnormality, which mean anterior, posterior, and subretinal proliferation respectively, Number of involved quadrants instead of clock hours was used to describe not only extent of the total abnormalities(i.e. C1-C4), but also extent of each type which was indicated by a triad (aps) code. Conclusion: This clinical classification of PVR is concise and comprehensive, and is easy to use in exchange. Description of the three types (i.e. aps code)has a direct bearing on the clinical treatment, therefore, it will have good practical applicability.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide