
合作型组织中行政人员独立人格的塑造 被引量:5

Figuring of Administrative Personnel's Independent Personality in Cooperative Organizations
摘要 公共组织发展的历史表明,以官僚制组织为典型形态的传统公共组织形成的是权威、价格整合机制,其组织成员被整合为依附性和工具性人格。合作型组织吸取传统组织整合的优势,以信任为主导因素,形成权威、价格和信任三维有机的组织整合机制。在此整合机制中,行政人员的自我同一性与组织同一性达到有机统一,最终被塑造为独立人格。 The developing history of public organization shows that among traditional public organizations, represented by rational bureaucracy, there would form conforming mechanism of authority and price, by which members of organization would be figured as relied personality and instrumented personality. Imbibing advantages of traditional organizations' conforming, cooperative organization gives priority to trust, and forms a three dimensioned organic organizational conforming mechanism of authority, price and trust. Under the conforming mechanism, selfidentity of administrative personnel and identity of organization obtain a unity organically, and administrative personnel would be figured as independent personality finally.
作者 杨艳
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期68-70,共3页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(项目编号:10YJC630342)的成果之一
关键词 合作型组织 信任 独立人格 行政人员 cooperative organization, trust, independent personality, administrative personnel
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