4Parlay Group. Parlay Web services overview 1.0 [EB/OL]. http://www.parlay.org/specs/library/, 2002
5Daoud F, Mohan S. Strategies for provisioning and operating VHE services in multi-access networks [J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2002, 40(1):78-88
6Huber JF. Toward the mobile internet [J]. IEEE Computer, 2002, 35(10):100-102
3Wallace Wen Yeu Wang, Corporate Versus Contractual Mutual Funds: An Evaluation of Structure and Governance, 69 Wash L Rev. 927, 957 (1994).
4A.Joseph Warburton:Should Mutual Funds Be Corporations a Legal & Econometric Analysis, 《The Journal of Corporation Law》(Spring 2008),at 760,at 774,at 764.
5The Investment Company Act also mandates these rights for funds of non-corporate form, such as trusts.
6Financial Services (Authorised Unit Trust Schemes) Regulation, 1988, S.I, 1988/284, §4.01 U.K), reprinted in John W. Vaughan, The Regulation of Unit Trusts 34 (1990). The regulation is also reprinted in Wang, supra note 63, at 76 n. 123.
7Managing Money: A Legal Guide to the World's Investment Fund Markets, Int'l. Fin L Rev. (Mar. 1990), at 101-02.
8The Inv. Trust Ass'n of Japan, Investment Trusts in Japan 6 (1990), cited in Wang supra note 62, at 962.