
Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Australia:Strategy and Research Developments 被引量:2

Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Australia:Strategy and Research Developments
摘要 Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity.The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview not only of strategies and plans that have been developed in Australia,but also of research that has been carried out in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) Climate Adaptation Flagship to assist the development of future strategies and plans.Major points are summarised from key policy documents such as the National Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan 2004-2007,and Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030,as well as the 2009 report on "Australia's Biodiversity and Climate Change".Within the first three years of its existence,the Natural Ecosystems theme in CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship has carried out studies analysing impacts and identifying potential adaptations across the whole of Australia's vast terrestrial and marine environments.Techniques used in these studies could be applied easily in other countries and could assist the development of more effective national strategies and adaptation action plans for the conservation of biodiversity under climate change.
出处 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第1期12-21,共10页 气候变化研究进展(英文版)
关键词 BIODIVERSITY climate change ADAPTATION STRATEGY action plan 生物多样性保护 澳大利亚 气候变化 保护生物多样性 CSIRO 国家战略 气候适应 研究组织
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