
新拌水泥浆体的流变特性及其可灌性的研究 被引量:2

Investigation on the Rheological Properties and Groutability of Fresh Cement Pastes
摘要 提高水泥浆体的可灌性是扩大水泥灌浆使用范围、提高灌浆质量的关键。作者用同轴回转粘度计、垂直毛细管粘度仪和激光颗分仪系统研究了水泥浆的流变性和可灌性。根据量纲分析和可灌性理论,提出了可灌性的定量表示公式。提高水泥浆体可灌性的有效措施是增加水泥的细度,使用最佳水灰比的浆体和掺加适量的塑化剂。 Improvement of the groutability of cement materials is the krux to widen the uses and applications of cement grouting technique. This paper introduces the systematic study of the stability and rheological proper- ties of cement paste, and discusses the factors which influence the mentioned properties of fresh cement pastes as well. Analyses of the direct relation between rheological properties and groutatiblity about cement pastes were made according to rheological theories. The formula of groutability of cement paste was proposed to describe the relation of groutability with sedimentary velodity and plastic viscosity of cement paste quantitatively. The effective measures to improve the groutability of cement paste are to increase the fineness of cement, to use cement pastes with optimal water cement ratio and to add suitable superplasticizers.
机构地区 建材院房建所
出处 《中国建筑材料科学研究院学报》 1990年第2期1-6,共6页
关键词 水泥浆 灌浆 流变性 可灌性 grouts, groutability, stability, rheology, cement paste, sedimentary yelocity, superplasticizer.
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