对已投入现场运行的大型矿井扇风机进行改造研究 ,其中提高设备效率及运行安全 ,是两项并重的考虑因素。风机减叶片运行出现的转子失衡现象 ,采用现场不拆机动平衡 ,是机械减震的有效方法。
The study on the reconstruction of the heavy(giant)pit fan blower in operation on the spot has been conducted.It has been found that there are two very important factors,i.e.,the improvement of the operation efficiency and safety,have to be given consideration in the study.The application of dynamic balance to dismantle-free pit fan blower is an effective technique to relieve mechanical oscillation caused ty rotor's unbalance due to the laminas of fan blower.
Yunnan Metallurgy