

Empirical Studies about the Relation of Governs Mechanism and Company Value in Food Production Listed Companies of China
摘要 通过对中国食品类上市公司的治理机制与价值进行的实证研究表明:股权集中度、董事会规模、独立董事比例、高管薪酬的增加不利于公司价值的提高,董事长兼任总经理、年度股东大会出席率的提高、监事会持股对公司价值产生正面影响。需根据食品类上市公司的特殊情况优化公司治理机制,以提高食品类公司价值。 Based on the empirical studies about govern mechanism and company value in food production listed companies of china,we can draw a conclusion that stock share concentrate degree, the scale of director board, the proportion of independent director and the salary pay- ment of high-grade director have notable negative relevance to company value, the chairman holds concurrently the position of general man- ager, participate rate of year shareholders' general meeting, company scale and the share proportion of supervisor board have notable relation to company value, so govern mechanism of company need to be further perfect to improve company value.
作者 汤志强
出处 《中国农机化》 北大核心 2012年第2期54-58,共5页 Chinese Agricul Tural Mechanization
关键词 食品上市公司 治理机制 公司价值 food production listed company govern mechanism company value
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