

DTN routeing strategy based on intimate degree among nodes
摘要 为改进面向社会环境的延迟容忍网络中的路由策略,引入亲密度关系的概念.基于人与人相处的时间呈幂率分布这一规律,提出基于节点间亲密度的路由策略(Human Intimate DegreeBased Routeing,HIDBR).根据人与人相处时间较为稳定的特征确定人与人之间的亲密度,再用亲密度辅助路由.基于节点真实移动轨迹的实验表明:与延迟容忍网络中现有的几种路由策略相比,这一路由策略可更好地实现数据传输的成功率与传输能耗、传输延迟之间的平衡。 In order to improve routeing strategy of the social oriented delay tolerant networks,the conception of human intimate degree is introduced.Based on the rule that the time people staying together follows power-law distributions,a Human Intimate Degree Based Routeing(HIDBR) is proposed.Based on the characteristic that the time people staying together is stable,the intimate degree among people is confirmed,and then the intimate degree is used to support routeing.Experiments based on the real mobility traces of the real nodes show that the strategy achieves better tradeoff between the data delivery ratio and the delivery overhead/delay,in comparison with the current routeing strategy in delay tolerant networks.
作者 冯涛 刘广钟
出处 《上海海事大学学报》 北大核心 2012年第1期73-76,81,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
基金 国家自然科学基金(60972074) 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(12ZZ151)
关键词 延迟容忍网络 路由策略 社会网路 亲密度 delay-tolerant network routeing strategy social network intimate degree
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