
有毒化学品泄漏事故应急防护行动决策探讨 被引量:4

Decision making of emergency protective actions for leakage accidents from toxic chemicals
摘要 当发生有毒化学品泄漏事故时,为保护公众和工人的安全和健康,需要快速地选择合适的应急防护行动。通常采用的应急防护行动有疏散、隐蔽、使用个人防护装备和服用解毒剂等。决策者必须权衡大量影响因素间的相互作用,如化学品的释放特征、事故现场的气象条件及影响范围内的人群分布等来进行应急防护行动决策。本文在分析应急防护行动决策过程关键要素的基础上,详细总结了影响应急防护行动决策的因素,介绍了应急决策常用的方法,以便在有毒化学品泄漏事故的应急过程中有效决策,最大限度地减少人员伤亡。 Selecting appropriate protective actions quickly in case of leakage accidents from toxic chemicals is very important for protection of the safety and health of public and worker.Protective actions have been in general classified as shelter-in-place,evacuation and other measures such as providing personal protective equipment and specific medicines.In order to decide whether to recommend evacuation or shelter-in-place,decision makers must weigh the interactions of numerous factors including characteristics of the released chemical,potential meteorological conditions,and distribution of people that may be affected.On the basis of analyzing critical components of protective actions decision process,some factors were summarized in this paper.Methods of emergency decision making were described to prepare for effective decision making during an emergency of toxic chemicals leakage.
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS 2012年第2期93-96,共4页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
关键词 应急防护行动决策 疏散 隐蔽 有毒化学品泄漏 emergency protective actions decision making evacuation shelter-in-place leakage of toxic chemicals
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