To investigate and discuss the development characteristic of ego identity status of college students. Methods: 320 students from a college of Hunan province were iandomly selected and assessed with EOM-EIS-II scale which was revised by Wang Shuqing et al as a tool for the measurement of adoles cents' ego identity. Results: (1)The difference com parison between male and female, only child and not only child, urban and rural of college students' ego i- dentity showed that, there were some significant differ- ences of ego identity statuses between male and female, only child and not only child but not significant differ- ence between unban and rural. (2) The analysis of variance of college students' ego identity status scor- ing in different grades showed that there were signifi cant differences between different grades on the fol lowing 7 dimensions: total achievement, total moratori um, total foreclosure, ideological foreclosure, interper sonal foreclosure, interpersonal moratorium, interper sonal achievement. Conclusion: The development of ego identity of college students is unbalanced.
Science of Social Psychology