
我国城市小额贷款还款率影响因素分析——以广州小额担保贷款为例 被引量:1

Determinants of Repayment in Urban Microcredit: Evidence from Programs in Guangzhou
摘要 小额贷款机构(简称MFI)是兼具社会性和持续性的机构,小额贷款的还款率对于MFI具有重要的作用,只有提高了还款率,才能保证MFI的持续性,降低小额贷款管理成本,降低利率,为更多的穷人服务,实现其脱贫的社会目标。本文通过对广州小额担保贷款数据的分析,寻求我国城市小额贷款还款率的影响因素,为MFI提供可用于实践的思路和方法。 Microfinance institution(MFl) is an social and sustainable institution. Microcredit repayment rate has an important role for the MFI, and in order to ensure the sustainability of MFI and lower microcredit administration costs, lower interest rates, achieve its social goals of eradicating poverty for more poor people, MFI must improve the repayment rate . This paper study the case of mierocredit in Guangzhou for determinants of repayment in urban microcredit,which can be used to provide practical ideas and methods for the MFI.
作者 姜美善
出处 《金融学季刊》 2011年第2期37-57,共21页 Quarterly Journal of Finance
基金 华南农业大学经济管理学院“211”三期建设招标项目资助(2011211YB09)
关键词 小额贷款 MFI 还款率 影响因素 Microeredit, MFI, Repayment Rate, Determinants
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