
主动性心肺复苏自动仪在犬室颤模型应用效果的评定 被引量:1

Effect evaluation of the active cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine on ventricular fibrillation in dogs
摘要 目的 在犬室颤模型中,检测主动性心肺复苏自动仪是否能改善复苏过程中的血流动力学.方法 选6只犬以交流电经胸壁电击制作心室颤动心脏骤停模型,待室颤持续1 min后,开始基本心肺复苏.在同一犬室颤使用2种复苏方法即标准心肺复苏术(CPR)与主动按压-减压CPR,其顺序随机确定,按压周期为2 min,每一复苏方法重复4次.观察主动性心肺复苏自动仪按压的深度、频率、力度、按压/减压时限比、抬举胸壁的高度,并与标准CPR相比,研究主动性心肺复苏自动仪对犬室颤血流动力学的影响.结果 主动性心肺复苏自动仪按压的深度、频率、力度、按压/减压时限比、抬举胸壁的高度可以稳定的达到预期目标值,与标准CPR相比,主动性心肺复苏自动仪可以提供较好的血流动力学状态,主动脉的收缩期压力最大值CPR为(68.91±1.31)mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),主动按压-减压CPR为(71.11±1.80)mm Hg,差异有统计学意义(P=0.017).结论 主动性心肺复苏自动仪能够稳定的主动按压和造成胸腔负压,在改善心肺复苏的血流动力学方面,优于标准CPR. Objective To develop an active cardiopulmonary resuscitation automatic device capable of performing active compression- decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACD- CPR).Methods Ventricular fibrillation (VF) was induced in anesthetized and ventilated canines.After 1 min of untreated VF,animals were randomly assigned to receive standard compression-decompression CPR (STDCPR) first or ACD-CPR first.In each canine model,STD-CPR and ACD-CPR were performed 4 times with randomized sequence of one another.In both groups of STD-CPR and ACD-CPR,it took 2 min to perform CPR at preestablished frequency in every circle.In the process of CPR,the hemodynamics of canine model during VF was monitored.When ACD-CPR was performed,the compression depth,frequency,force and the ratio of compression to decompression were recorded.Results The compression depth,frequency,force and the compression to decompression ratio all reached the target values when ACD-CPR was performed.In comparison with STD-CPR,ACD-CPR exhibited good hemodynamic values.Maximum value of aortic systolic pressure in CPR was (68.91±1.31)mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),in ACD-DPR was (71.11±1.80)mm Hg,the difference was statically significant (P=0.017).Conclusion The ACD- CPR can maintain active compress and create negative pressure,and is better than STD-CPR in ideal hemodynamic values.
出处 《中华生物医学工程杂志》 CAS 2011年第6期518-521,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
关键词 心肺复苏 心脏骤停 心室颤动 主动按压-减压 标准按压-减压 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiac arrest Ventricular fibrillation Active compression-decompression Standard compression-decompression
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