People are witnesses of life imperilling and working background too, as today, even during the evolution. People's life interface is disturbed with different shapes of contamination: natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the other); on purpose or accidentally-different shapes like: wars, fires, chemical fates, using of dangerous materials in production processes and everyday life... In these mentioned specific conditions, breathing is imperiled, like the vital function of men's life and working interfaces. With the technical-technology progress, it is enclosed the development equipment for protection and safety of the respiratory parts of body, faces and eyes, regard to breathing apparatus. Applying the breathing apparatus, the total protection of the respiratory parts of the body, faces and eyes to aggressive materials, smoke and warmth is enabled. Today in the world there are many producers of breathing apparatus with similar technical-technological solutions, of which should be mentioned the main ones: MSA Auer, Dr/iger and Interspiro. Using of the breathing apparatus in practice, continual performation of different activities without consequences for the health and life of the user is enabled, what firstly depends on the user's education, regular using, controlling examination and maintenance/servicing.