
基于社区的关键节点挖掘算法 被引量:3

Key-Nodes Mining Algorithm Based on Communities
摘要 在对大型网络进行关键节点挖掘方面,传统方法效率低下。针对这一缺陷,提出了一种基于社区的关键节点挖掘算法,首先对社区发现算法进行改进,然后提出基于节点频度中心度的挖掘算法。实验结果表明,新算法对社区进行关键节点挖掘时,不仅挖掘的影响度得到保证,而且效率显著提高。 When mining the key-nodes from large-scale networks, the traditional methods are poor efficiency. To address this defect, a new algorithm, which based on communities, is presented for mining the key-nodes. First, it improved the community detection algorithms, and then put forward an algorithm based on degree centrality of the node for mining the key-nodes. The experimental results show that when applying the new algorithm to mine the key-nodes from communities, not only the influence degree of mining is guaranteed, but also the efficiency is improved significantly.
作者 陆晓野 陈玮
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2012年第4期250-253,197,共5页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 关键节点 社区发现 社会网络 频度中心度 影响度 key-nodes community detection social networks degree centrality influence degree
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