
西安市气传花粉变应原20年变化特点研究 被引量:4

Survey on variation characteristics of airborne pollens of Xi'an in 20 years
摘要 目的明确西安市20年来优势气传花粉的变化特点,为当地花粉症的防治及环保治理气传花粉污染提供依据。方法调查和研究2008—2010年西安市气传花粉种类、数量和随季节消长的规律,并与1990—1992年的研究结果进行比较。在西安市分别设置3处花粉取样点,采用Durham重量玻片法取样,并对所收集花粉的形态进行观察和鉴定;每日进行气象资料的观测和记录;进行野外植被调查,制作植物标本及标准花粉片;对门诊确诊的过敏性哮喘患者进行花粉变应原筛查。结果3处花粉取样点3年来共收集花粉42138粒,其中市中心13309粒、东郊13914粒、西郊14915粒,可归为32科、41属、33种,每月都有花粉飘逸,并形成了3~5月和8~9月2个花粉飘逸高峰;植被调查发现西安市绿化植物以杨树、法桐、松树、柳树、柏树等树木为主,杂草以艾蒿、薇草、藜草、禾本科等草本植物为主;3年来共给501例过敏性哮喘患者进行花粉变应原筛查,抗原阳性率依次为艾蒿、法桐、藜草、萑草。结论20年来,西安市的气传花粉种类及飘散时间无明显变化,而飘逸数量明显减少;城市绿化树木的数量及品种均比过去有所增加,特别是法桐,在近20年中,作为绿化树木被广泛种植,而郊区庄稼作物及杂草明显减少;艾蒿、蒋草、藜草等花粉依然是主要变应原,而法桐过敏阳性率明显升高。 Objective To clear advantage of the changes of airborne pollens of Xi'an during 20 years and provide the basis for environmental management of airborne pollen contamination and control of hay fever in local. Methods Airborne pollen types and quantities and the law with the seasonal fluctuation were surveyed and studied during 2008-2010. And the results were compared with the survey carried out in 1990-1992. The survey on airborne pollens was conducted by the aggregation of gravity in 3 spots of Xi'an. At the same time research on the field vegetation was carried out and a lot of specimens were collected. Allergen tests were made on 501 people who were made a definite diagnosis of allergic asthma. Results We have collected 42 138 grains of pollen including 13 309 grains of centre,13 914 grains of east suburb and 14 915 grains of west suburb, which involved 32 seriations,41 linuses and 33 genuses. The airborne pollen peak occurred in 2 seasons: spring from March to May and autumn from August to September. We gained the conclusion from the survey of field vegetation that populus,firmina, pinaceae, willow, eupressaeeae were the main green plants in Xi'an. The main weeds in suburban district were mugwort, humulus, chenopodium and gramineae. The seriation of positive rate of allergen tests was mugwort, firmina,chenopodium and humulus. Conclusions Types and drift time of airborne pollens of Xi' an had no change, while the number changed significantly. The number and type of green plants of Xi'an increased than the past 20 years. Take firmina for example, which was cultivated widely as the green species in the last 20 years. The crops and weeds reduced significantly in the suburb. The positive rate of airborne pollen allergy was significantly higher than before which was more obvious of firmina. Mugwort,humulus and chenopodium were still the major allergen.
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2012年第5期340-343,共4页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 陕西省社发攻关项目(2007K08-02)
关键词 气传花粉 变应原 飘散规律 植被调查 变应原筛查 Airborne pollen Allergen Diversing characteristic Survey of field vegetation Allergen screening
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