Objective To observe and investigate therapeutic effect of Yangxueqingnao partiels treatment on vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency. Methods 203 patients with vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency were chose in the period from March 2008 to June 2011 in our hospital and randomly divided into two groups including control group (102 patients) with Fufangdanshen tablet treatment and experimental group (101 patients) with Yangxueqingnao partiels treatment; and after tmatrnent the total effective rate and hemorheology index of both groups were compared. Results The total effective rate of experimental group were significantly better than control group (p〈0.05). The hemerheology index of both groups after treatment were significantly better than before treatment (p〈0.05). And The hemorheology index of experimental group after treatment were significantly better than eontrol group (p〈O.O5)..Conelusion The Yangxueqingnao partiels treatment on vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency obtain excellent effect, can effeetively improve hemorheology index, and is worthy of clinical application.
Yangxueqingnao particls
Vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency
therapeutic effects