
共创性学习:一种集体智慧的进化 被引量:13

Expansive Learning:An Evolution of Collective Intelligence
摘要 共创性学习(Expansive Learning)已引发了国际学者对学习理论的革新性思考,该理论最初由芬兰学者Engestr觟m提出,共创性学习强调作为共同体的学习者,文化的转型以及新理论概念的创生。该研究首先借助学习隐喻的划分对共创性学习进行定位,然后对共创性学习的起源和意义进行探讨,对其过程和阶段进行了描述和分析,并对共创性学习的形成性干预研究进行了阐释,最后阐明了其形成机制、本质特征、演变过程等问题。 Expansive learning,which was proposed by Engestrom,has triggered innovative thinking on the learning theory.Expansive learning focuses on the learners as community,and the transformation of culture,and the creation of new theoretical concept.In this research,firstly,the expansive learning was positioned in the space of learning metaphor,and then it illustrated the origination and tenet of the expansive learning,and discussed its process and stages,and introduced its special formative intervention methodology.This research intended to illustrate the forming mechanism,characteristics and evolving process for expansive learning.
作者 于文浩
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2012年第2期28-35,共8页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 华东师范大学“博士研究生学术新人奖”资助 上海市重点学科建设项目“职业技术教育学”(项目编号:79003099)资助
关键词 学习隐喻 共创性学习 创新与变革 集体学习 Learning metaphor Expansive learning Innovation and change Collective learning
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