2Donald A Schon, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic Books. 1983, p39 ,p141 ,p131 - 132.
3Donald Schon, "Coaching Reflective Teaching", in Petter P Grimmett and Gaalen L Erickson(Edited by), Reflection in Teacher Education, Pacific Educational Press,1993, p19.
4Donald Schon, Educating The Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teacheing and Learning in the Professions, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987, p66.
5Donald Schon: Educating the Reflective Practitioner, Donaid Schon' s Presentation to The 1987 Meeting of The American Educational Research Association.
6L S Shulman, "The Dangers of Dichotomous Thinking in Education", in Petter P. Grimmett and Gaalen L. Erickson (Edited by), Reflection in Teacher Education, Pacific Educational Press, 1993, p33. p33, p34, p36, p37.
7Gary D Fenstermacher, "The Place of Science and Epistemmology in Schon' s Conception of Reflective Practice", in Petter P Grimmett and Gaalen L Erickson (Edited by), Reflection in Teacher Education, Pacific Educational Press, 1993. p45, p44, p41, p45.
10Donald Schon. The Reflective Practitioner[M]. New York: Basic Books,1983.