利用ISSR分子标记研究滇西北39种悬钩子属植物的亲缘关系,从100个引物中筛选出12个能扩增出清晰带型并具多态性的引物,共扩增出166条DNA片段,片段大小为259~2 300 bp,平均每条引物扩增出13.83条DNA片段,多态性比率为95.78%。利用NTSYS-pc软件计算39种悬钩子属植物种间的Nei’s距离,并用UPGMA法构建系统树。结果表明,39份供试材料明显聚为5大类:即空心莓组、木莓组、刺毛莓组、矮生莓组和葡匐莓组,与形态学的分类结果基本一致。39个悬钩子属植物种间的遗传距离为0.452 8~0.941 1,说明滇西北悬钩子植物在DNA分子水平上具有丰富的遗传多样性。另外,UPGMA聚类结果表明,形态学分类上的同组不同种间具有较近的亲缘关系,不同组的种间具有复杂的遗传差异。
Genetic relationship of thirty nine Rubus species in Yunnan was studied by using inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) markers.Twelve polymorphic primers were screened out from 100 primers and 166 DNA fragments ranging from 259 bp to 2 300 bp were amplified with these primers.The average number of DNA fragments produced by each primer was 13.83.The polymorphic rate was 95.78%.UPGMA cluster analysis and NTSYS-pc software were used to construct the dendrogram based on the genetic distances.The 39 species were clustered into five groups namely section Idaeobatus Focke,section Malachobatus Focke,section Dalibardastrum Yü et Lu,section Chamaehatus Foke and section Cylactis Focke.,which was basically identical with previous results made by morphological study.Genetic distances between materials varied from 0.452 8 to 0.941 1,which showed that the genetic diversity among 39 Rubus species in Yunnan was abundant based on ISSR molecular markers.In addition,UPGMA clustering analysis showed significantly different genetic relationships among 39 species,and different species in the same section have close relationship,species in the different section have complicated difference.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica