

Piaget and Psychological Logic System——Comments on Psychologism and Antipsychologism
摘要 自皮亚杰创立第一个心理逻辑系统以来,人们对该系统的学科性质看法不一。心理逻辑系统是一个逻辑系统,但其又不同于一般的逻辑系统。皮亚杰开拓了逻辑学与心理学的交叉领域,开辟了新的研究领域,促进了逻辑学与心理学的交叉融合,但由于对皮亚杰心理逻辑的评价和界定受到了逻辑学中心理主义和反心理主义的影响,因而,正确认识皮亚杰的心理逻辑系统需要我们正确认识逻辑学中的心理主义和反心理主义。 People have been divided on the subject nature of the psychological logic system since Jean Piaget founded the first Psychological logic system.The Psychological logic system is a logic system,but differs from the general logic system.Jean Piaget explored the intersection of Logic and Psychology,developed a new area for study and speeded up the incubation of Logic and Psychology.But definiting and evaluating the Psychological logic system of Jean Piaget is affected by the psychologism and antipsychologism of logic,therefore,to correctly understand the Psychological logic system of Jean Piaget need us to look at the psychologism and antipsychologism of logic in a proper way.
作者 吴芳芳
出处 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2011年第11期61-65,共5页 Journal of Bijie University
关键词 皮亚杰 心理逻辑 心理主义 反心理主义 Jean Piaget Psychology Logic Psychologism Antipsychologism
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