The in-vitro activity of temocillin was evaluated against 490 Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria isolated clinically, and was compared with 7 other β-lactatn antibiotics and gentamicin. The result showed that temocillin had active antibacterial action against most of the species of Enterobacteriaceae. This drug inhibited more than 90% of strains of Eaterobacteriaceae at a concentration of less than 16μg/ml. Temocillin exhibited a moderate degree of activity against Serratia marces-cens,81% of isolated was inhibited at a concentration of less than 32μg/ml. P. aeru-ginosa and Acinetobacter were usually resistant, and Gram-positive organisms were resistant tc this drug. The antibacterial activity of temocillin against Enterbacteriaceae was comparable with that moxalactam,more active than cefazolin,cefoxitin,cefuroxime, piperacillin, and gentamicin, and only less active than cefotaxime. The authors believe that temocillin is a good antibiotic agent against infections by Gram-negative bac'teria except Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter.
Chinese Journal of Antibiotics