

Factors Analysis and Suppression Strategies Based on the Findings of Middle School Students' Academic Delay
摘要 通过调查中学生学业拖延的现状,分析了各种内在因素和外在因素影响学业拖延的机理,提出加强学生自我效能和学业管理是抑制学业拖延的有效途径。 This paper analyzes a variety of internal factors and external factors affect delay mechanism through the investigation of Middle School Students' Academic delay.And it proposes to strengthen students' self-efficacy and academic management is an effective way to inhibit academic delay.
出处 《重庆电子工程职业学院学报》 2011年第5期148-150,共3页 Journal of Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering
基金 重庆市教育科学"十一五"规划课题"中学生学业拖延及其教育对策研究"研究成果 课题号:08-10-007
关键词 学业拖延 内因 外因 策略 academic delay internal factors external factors strategies
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